Cari Moo game sprite previews 🐮

I'm currently creating an adult pixel art game! It's been a dream of mine for years to make my very own game and it's finally happening~ I've thought of many different ideas over the years :3
I'm working hard and doing my best n_n and I'm learning programming!

I'm posting image and video previews of the game on my Patreon (18+)!
All patrons' names will be included in the game credits~

Later on, when I've developed more of the game, I'll post more information about the game and benefits for patrons.

Art © myself (Rezeict, a.k.a. Cari Rez Lobo)

I released this art much earlier for Patreon members ^v^

✨Special thanks to my dear patrons: Joop Kiefte, Pyrelizard, FantasticEagle, Ilirej Lirien, bramby, Norok Levachov and Bürgus Capra!