Pangender Panther!

Quick drawing I made for Pangender Pride Day, which was 19th of June~

Back in 2015, I designed a new pride flag (and its alt version) that I suggested to be the flag for Pangender (which I identify as since 2014), because there wasn't any suggestions at that time, even though this identity has been discussed since at least 2007. The flag I made was kindly accepted by our community *v* and over the years I've seen the flag in many different medias, even officially on Skype! I'm really happy that I was able to contribute πŸ’œ

πŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ€ Pangender Pride πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ’›

Pangender is a non-binary gender identity of people who experience all genders possible to them. Meaning a vast and diverse quantity of genders (always within the person’s own culture and life experience).

Happy Pride Month! 🌈

Art © myself (Rezeict, a.k.a. Cari Rez Lobo)

✨Special thanks to my dear patrons: Joop Kiefte, Pyrelizard, FantasticEagle, Norok Levachov, Shooty, Ilirej Lirien and BΓΌrgus Capra!