Car-Bots are a model of androids which were made to resemble cars. They were first designed as custom robots for millionaire people who have passion for cars.
Although these androids cannot transport their masters to other places, they are really fast, so they are used in races. They also take care of house and personal tasks as maids and butlers.
Many people only buy these robots only for their looks, but they are also very good companions because of their singular personalities and high artificial intelligence.
It's really common the use of wigs on these androids.
In case you wish to take home the CB01 unit, the price is US$ 5 and payment will have to be done via PayPal. Please send me a private note~
Once you've adopted this character, it will belong only to you. You will receive the original drawing with transparent background so you can edit as much as you want. The original drawing will include a version of the android without her wig, so you can change the wig if you wish. If you want to repost the drawing, feel free to do so! I only ask you to not remove my credits from this drawing.
In case you want a custom character like this one, send me a message! :3
This character has been adopted by GigaPichu!
Thank you very much!
Digital artwork by Cari Rez Lobo drawn on July 26, 2013.
View it on DeviantART!